ANR Proposal LIQUI2D Funded

Our ANR proposal LIQUI2D, on the interfaces of ionic liquids with 2D nanomaterials, is funded! This is a collaboration with Sébastien Lebègue from CNRS and U Lorraine, and Paul-Henri Haumesser and Anass Benayad of CEA Grenoble.

France-Brasil Collaboration Project

Visit of prof. Rômulo Ando of U São Paulo, within the USP-COFECUB collaboration project between our lab and the Instituto de Química, USP, including prof. Mauro Ribeiro.

Hike in the natural park of Auvergne volcanos, with Fernando Lepre, Rômulo Ando, André Pádua and Margarida Costa Gomes.

MIT Inditex Seed Fund

An exploratory project on sustainable technologies for recycling of textiles involving Prof. Greg McKinley of MIT, Dr. Pablo Sánchez and Prof. José Legido of Vigo, and my group was awarded an MIT Inditex Seed Fund. We look forward to this new collaboration!

Australian Research Council Discovery Project

The project Ionic Liquids for Scalable Production of Monolayer 2D Materials, led by prof. Rob Atkin of the University of Western Australia, was funded by the Discovery Project program of the Australian Research Council (2018 call). This is a collaboration between three Australian groups (Rob Atkin from UWA Perth, Greg Warr from U Sidney, Rico Tabor from Monash U) and my group in France.

Collaboration project with U São Paulo

Our application to the USP-COFECUB program for a collaboration project with prof. Mauro Ribeiro of U São Paulo was successful!

The main participants are prof. Margarida Costa Gomes and myself from France, and profs. Rômulo Ando and Mauro Ribeiro of the Institute of Chemistry from Brazil.

DCP Senior Researcher Award 2017

I am honoured to be the laureate of the Senior Researcher Award (Prix Chercheur Confirmé) 2017 of the Division of Physical Chemistry, a joint division of the Société Chimique de France and of the Société Française de Physique.

An announcement of the Award appeared in the Oct-Nov 2017 issue of l’Actualité Chimique (p. 140). I delivered a lecture at the Journée Scientifique de la Division de Chimie Physique, Paris, 30 Nov 2017.

IL Group, Clermont 2015

IL Group, Clermont 2015
IL Group, Clermont 2015: Julien Devemy, Ines Otero, Agilio Padua, Laure Pison, Jean-Michel Andanson, Fernando Lepre, Joanna Szala-Bilnik, Pablo Sanchez, Alain Dequidt, Margarida Costa Gomes, Emilie Bordes, Pascale Husson

Boulder, Colorado 2015

NOAA Center, Boulder, Colorado 2015.
NOAA Boulder, Colorado 2015. During our year working at MIT’s Chem Eng Dept, in a famous building by I.M. Pei, we ended up visiting another landmark from the architect!