The group at the COIL-9 Congress, Lyon
Adriaan presenting at GDR Solvate
Seminar by Paulo Telles de Souza on Martini
Paulo Souza of the Molecular Biology and Structural Biochemistry lab (almost next-door) presented a great seminar to the group on the Martini force field for coarse-grained simulation of ionic liquids, with emphasis on the Martini 3 version for ionic liquids.
The French at COIL-8, Beijing
TBT: Small world! COIL-2 Yokohama, Japan 2007
Boulder, Colorado 2015
ACS Meeting, San Francisco, 2010
CECAM Workshop
A CECAM workshop Multiscale modelling of ionic liquids: from quantum methods to coarse-grained models will take place in Lausanne, 4-6 June 2014.