
Group Members

Group Members

Chiara Corsini

PhD student

Group Members

Agilio Padua

ENS Lyon professor, Co-PI

Group Members

Nithavong Cam

CNRS Research Engineer

Group Members

Cíntia Marques Corrêa

Post-doctoral fellow

Group Members

Frederik Philippi

Post-doctoral fellow

Group Members

Nicolas Scaglione

PhD student

Group Members

Fufang Yang

Post-doctoral fellow

Group Members

Vinicius Piccoli

Visiting PhD student from U Campinas

Group Members

Guillaume Simon

Post-doctoral fellow

Group Members

Mathieu Cancade

PhD student

Group Members

Vanessa Piacentini

Visitin PhD student from La Sapienza, Rome

Group Members

Guillaume Depraetère

Research internship

Group Members

Beatriz Rocha de Moraes

Visiting PhD student from USP

Group Members

Hanne Oorts

Master's internship

Group Members

Margarida Costa Gomes

CNRS research director, Co-PI

Main collaborators

  • Prof. Rômulo Ando, U São Paulo, Brazil
  • Prof. Rob Atkin, U Western Australia
  • Dr Eduards Bakis, U Latvia
  • Prof. José Nuno Canongia Lopes, IST Lisbon, Portugal
  • Prof. Stéphane Daniele, U Lyon 1
  • Prof. Jannick Duchet-Rumeau, INSA Lyon
  • Prof. Maria Forsyth, Deakin U, Australia
  • Prof. Sophie Fourmentin, U Dunkerque
  • Prof. Barbara Kirchner, U Bonn, Germany
  • Res. prof. Sébastien Lebègue, CNRS Nancy
  • Prof. Sébastien Livi, INSA Lyon
  • Dr Manuel Maréchal, CNRS Grenoble
  • Prof. Andrea Mele, Politecnico Milano, Italy
  • Prof. Mauro Ribeiro, U São Paulo, Brazil
  • Res. prof. Catherine Santini, CNRS Lyon
  • Res. A/Prof. Audrey Steinberger, Physics lab, ENS Lyon
  • Dr Martin Tiano, CP2M lab, Lyon
  • Prof. Tom Welton, Imperial College London

Former Group Members

  • Adriaan van den Bruinhorst, post-doctoral fellow, 2019-23
  • Guillaume Depraetère, masters internship, 2023
  • Mirella Simões Santos, post-doctoral fellow with Agilio Padua, 2021-23; presently at Solvay
  • Layla Bou Tannous, PhD student with Agilio Padua and Paul-Henry Haumesser (CEA Grenoble), co-supervised by Audrey Steinberger (ENS Lyon) and Anass Benayad (CEA Grenoble) 2019-23.
  • Inês Vaz, post-doctoral fellow with Margarida Costa Gomes, 2021-23; presently post-doctoral fellow in the group of prof. João Coutinho, Univ. Aveiro, Portugal.
  • Sachini Pathirannahalage, PhD student under joint supervision of Margarida Costa Gomes, Agilio Padua and Tamar Greaves, RMIT Melbourne, 2020-23
  • Jocasta Ávila, post-doctoral fellow with Margarida Costa Gomes, 2019-22; presently at L’Oréal Paris
  • Leticia Almeida Souza, undergraduate internship from U São Paulo, with Margarida Costa Gomes, 2022
  • Ange Pellegrino, undergraduate internship with Adriaan van den Bruinhorst, 2022
  • Chiara Corsini, masters internship from Univ. Bologna, Italy, 2022
  • Luke Wylie, post-doctoral fellow with Agilio Padua, 2020-22; presently post-doctoral fellow in Barbara Kirchner’s lab, Univ. Bonn
  • Federica Abbiati, masters internship from Politecnico Milano, Italy, 2021-22
  • Kateryna Goloviznina, PhD student with Agilio Padua and Margarida Costa Gomes, 2018-21; presently post-doctoral fellow with Mathieu Salanne, PHENIX lab, Sorbonne Univ. Paris
  • Ryan Clark, post-doctoral fellow with Agilio Padua, 2020-21
  • Salvador Asensio Delgado, visiting PhD student from Univ. Cantabria, Santander, with prof. Ane Urtiaga and Gabriel Zarca, 2021; presently working at Solvay, Lyon area
  • Daniel Lozano Martín, visiting post-doc from Univ. Valladolid, ThermoCal research group, 2021
  • Eduards Bakis, visiting post-doctoral fellow, 2020-21
  • Martin Tiano, lecturer, ENS Lyon, 2020-21
  • Hanne Oorts, undergraduate internship with Inês Vaz and Margarida Costa Gomes, 2021
  • Guillaume Depraetère, undergraduate internship with Adriaan van den Bruinhorst and Agilio Padua, 2021
  • Solène Legrand, masters internship with Margarida Costa Gomes and Véronique Dufaud, 2021
  • Zheng Gong, post-doctoral fellow with Agilio Padua, 2019-21; presently at Galixir, Shanghai
  • Oliver Hammond, post-doctoral fellow with Agilio Padua, 2019-20; presently post-doc with prof. Anja Mudring, Univ. of Stockholm
  • Robin Mom, PhD jointly with Agilio Padua and Dr. Philippe Label of PIAF lab, Clermont-Ferrand, 2017-20
  • Jim Grisillon, masters internship with Agilio Padua, 2020
  • Laëtitia Bourgeois, masters internship with Margarida Costa Gomes and Martin Tiano, 2020
  • Laura Kollau, post-doctoral fellow with Margarida Costa Gomes, 2019-20; presently assist. prof. Maastricht U, The Netherlands
  • Luiz Fernando Lepre, post-doctoral fellow with Margarida Costa Gomes, 2018-20, presently post-doc with Res. prof. Eric Drockenmuller, IMP lab, Lyon
  • Nathalie Metselaar, undergraduate internship with Margarida Costa Gomes, 2020
  • Mark Vis, visiting post-doctoral fellow with Agilio Padua, 2019; lecturer at TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Simon Doblinger, visiting PhD student 2019, with Prof Debbie Sylvester, Curtin U, Australia
  • Arianna Massaro, visiting PhD student with Agilio Padua, 2018-19, U Naples
  • Pablo Sánchez, visiting post-doctoral fellow with Agilio Padua, 2018-20, U Vigo
  • Tarek Moufawad, PhD student with Margarida Costa Gomes 2016-19, with U Dunkerque
  • Pauline Lefèbvre, undergraduate internship with Margarida Costa Gomes, 2019
  • Dune André, undergraduate internship with Agilio Padua; presently student at ENS Ulm, Paris
  • Laure Pison, lab tech. at Univ. Clermont Auvergne
  • Alain Dequidt, prof. at Univ. Clermont Auvergne
  • Julien Devémy, res. eng. in scientific computing at CNRS
  • Émilie Bordes, PhD student with Agilio Padua, grant from the French Ministry of Higher Education, 2017; presently research scientist at IFPEN, Paris region
  • Pablo B. Sánchez, PhD, Eiffel Excellence Scholarship, joint supervision with Agilio Padua and Josefa Garcia (U Vigo, Spain), 2017; presently post-doctoral researcher at Univ. Vigo and MIT
  • João França, PhD grant from FCT, joint supervision with Agilio Padua and prof. Carlos Nieto de Castro (Univ. Lisbon, Portugal), 2017; presently in charge of R&D Innovation at Graphenest, Portugal
  • Robin Mom, Masters student jointly with Agilio Padua and Dr Philippe Label of PIAF lab, 2017
  • Ctirad Cervinka, post-doctoral fellow with Agilio Padua, 2016; then post-doc at UC Riverside; assistant professor at Prague Institute of Chemical Technology
  • Johanna Szala-Bilnik, post-doctoral fellow with Agilio Padua, 2014–16; post-doc at Rutherford Appleton Lab, Oxford, UK; presently post-doc at U Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA
  • Ewelina Bolimowska, visiting PhD student with Agilio Padua and Dr. Catherine Santini, CNRS Lyon, 2013
  • Michael Rouha, visiting post-doctoral fellow with Agilio Padua and prof. Josef Sedlbauer, Univ. Liberec, 2014
  • Sadiye Velioglu, visiting PhD student with Agilio Padua and prof. Göktug Ahunbay, Istambul Tech. U, 2013-14
  • Jean-Michel Andanson, post-doctoral fellow, 2013–14. Presently CNRS researcher.
  • Ctirad Cervinka, visiting PhD student with Agilio Padua and prof. Michal Fulem, Univ. Chem. Technol. Prague, 2013. Presently assistant prof. UCT Prague
  • Prof. Mauro Ribeiro, invited professor, University of São Paulo, 2013
  • Varinia Bernales Candia, visiting PhD student with Agilio Padua and prof. R. Contreras, Univ. Chile, 2012-13
  • Xun Yao, MSc internship, 2013
  • Mickael Simond, PhD student with Agilio Padua and Jean-Yves Coxam, 2010–13. Presently head of startup Calnesis
  • Manas Mishra, undergraduate internship with Agilio Padua, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, 2012; presently analyst at UBS bank, Dehli
  • Yury Fomin, Marie Curie post-doctoral fellow with Agilio Padua, 2011; presently at Institute for High Pressure Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Moisés Ríos Currás, PhD student with prof. Josefa Garcia, U Vigo, Spain, 2009–14. Presently operations director at Arkossa Smart Solutions, Andalusia, Spain
  • Ana Catarina Mendonça, Marie Curie PhD student with Agilio Padua, 2009–12; presently project coordinator at CECAM, EPFL, Lausanne
  • Ajda Podgorsek, post-doctoral fellow, 2009–11; ACIES Bio, Slovenia; presently at Lek Pharma, Sandoz, Slovenia
  • Alfonso Pensado, post-doctoral fellow with Agilio Padua, 2008–11; EnerSys, Leipzig; presently battery developper at BMW, Bayern, Germany
  • Marina Macchiagodena, visiting PhD student with Agilio Padua from U l’Aquilla, Italy, 2009.
  • Olivia Fandiño Torres, post-doctoral fellow, 2009–10. Then post-doc in prof. Tremaine’s group, Univ. Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Presently researcher at IFREMER Brest, France
  • Stéphane Stevanovic, PhD student of Margarida Costa Gomes, 2008–11
  • Dimitrios Almentariotis, PhD student of Margarida Costa Gomes, 2007–10 Presently engineer in Laval.
  • Alfonso Pensado, visiting PhD student from U Vigo, with Agilio Padua and prof. Josefa Fernandez, 2003–06
  • Johan Jacquemin, PhD student with Margarida Costa Gomes, 2002–06. Senior lecturer at Queen’s U Belfast. Presently lecturer at U Tours
  • Johnny Deschamps, PhD student with Margarida Costa Gomes, 2002–05. Post-doc at Imperial College London, then U Paris Sud Orsay. Presently lecturer at ENSTA Paris Saclay
  • Fabrice Audonnet, PhD student with Agilio Padua, 1999–2003. Post-doc at U Paris Sud Orsay; presently lecturer at U Clermont Auvergne
  • Sacha Hilic, PhD student with Agilio Padua and prof. J. P. Grolier, 1998–2002; presently Chief of IT Operation at Pierre Fabre, Castres
  • Hosiberto Sant’Ana, visiting PhD student with Agilio Padua and Dr. Philippe Ungerer, 1999
  • Rui Bonifácio, Erasmus and then visiting PhD student from IST Lisbon, 1998–2002. Presently strategy and business devel manager at Continental AG, Porto area, Portugal
  • Ricardo Fonseca, Erasmus Masters student from IST Lisbon. 1998. Presently tech services manager at Unilever Fima, Lisbon area, Portugal